For most of you reading this, 2016 was a terrible year. Perhaps there are some out there who believe the opposite is true: given Nigel Farage almost certainly figured 2016 was one of the best years ever, there must be at least a few of you in existence. Either way, now that 2016 has been and gone, we find ourselves in the midst of 2017, a year some of us think must turn out to be better than 2016 – while some of us are unsure that’s going to be the case.
I decided this was a big enough topic to write a whole book about. I called it, funnily enough, “2017”. In it, I make predictions about Trump’s first year as president (and whether he’ll make it through the year as president), Putin’s reaction to the age of Trump, how Brexit will proceed, the French, German, Dutch and even possibly Italian elections that may just decide the future of the European Union. I also take you through parts of Brexit Britain, from the seaside towns to the northern cities; through the remaining EU27 to see the reaction and possible next steps in regards to Brexit from their points of view, from Dublin to Brussels; I make a harrowing journey to Washington immediately after Trump’s inauguration to see if Washington DC is really any different now.
I also talk a lot about what I term in the book the “New Right” – this is a theme that runs throughout it, discussing how the sea change we witnessed post-June 23rd and post-November 8th in the way both the American Right and the British Right changed their spots – and how that plays into my predictions for 2017 to come.
If you’re interested in the book, you can get it here:
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