RADIX launches new Centre for Business, Politics & Society

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We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Radix Centre for Business Politics & Society, a non-for-profit foundation registered in the Netherlands with a pan-European remit. 

Our aim is to align public policy with responsible business to create a prosperous, inclusive and progressive society

Why?  We believe that business has the creativity and power of innovation to be a visible part of the solutions to some of today’s fundamental issues. While individual company actions are vital, in order to reach the required scale, significant public policy alignment and change is required. 
How?  By providing a platform that facilitates the debate around system renewal, genuinely connecting those in business, politics and society who are serious about change.
What?  We seek to influence through research, inquiries, publications and debate, initiating original and radical thinking, to challenge business-as-usual and re-imagining the way our societies function.

For more information please visit our web site and sign up to receive further notifications.


Our first online event will be on May 13th at 18:00 CET. Please save the date.

After the summer, and depending on progress in the fight against COVID-19, we are hoping to have physical launch events and discussion forums in The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Germany. 

Our aim is to approach topics and events in such a way that they can relatively easily be applied to different countries. 

We are working to define our first project areas. If you see something that you like or if you miss something that you feel is important – let us know and we will work with you to include in our work programme. 

What the Centre does and how it does things is largely driven by, and co-created with, the people it works with – and that is you! 

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