How do we create an education system fit for the 21st century?

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Government plans to scrap A-levels and introduce yet another reform of vocational
qualifications are all very well, but they feel like fiddling while Rome burns.

Education needs to strengthen the country’s economic prospects, narrow the gap between rich and poor, improve social mobility, encourage innovation, improve resilience, reduce dependency, and empower participation in civic life. Instead, our schools have become joyless exam factories. Something far more fundamental is required.

That is the argument made by Radix Big Tent co-founder, Joe Zammit-Lucia, who has edited our Open Manifesto paper, “Education for the 21st Century”.

The Radix Open Manifesto series covers a range of different topics, from housing to
investment reform, setting out radical reforms that we believe defy traditional left-right ideology and should appeal across the political spectrum.

This webinar will be chaired by Johnny Rich, Chief Executive of the outreach organisation Push, to discuss our proposals for education reform with Joe Zammit-Lucia, Fiona Millar, and Nick Corston, as well as with Radix supporters and followers. Our recommendations include:

  • Rethinking the purpose of education in a 21st century world
  • Abolishing the national curriculum and moving towards a system where individual students can compile their own curriculum according to their own passions and interests
  • Developing the teaching skills necessary for a technology-dominated and information-saturated world

Please join this discussion and help us to develop our education manifesto ideas for
presentation to policy-makers and politicians in the run up to the General Election.

  • Chair

    Johnny Rich

    Johnny Rich holds a number of roles in education and policy: he is Chief Executive of the award-winning outreach organisation Push; Chief Executive of the Engineering Professors’ Council; and Co-Chair of the Fair Access Coalition. He has published various books, including a novel The Human Script, and authored many papers and reports for think-tanks. He is an advisor to the Lifelong Education Institute and a school governor.

  • Panelist

    Fiona Millar

    Fiona Millar is a journalist and campaigner on education and parenting issues. She helped to found the Local Schools Network and was a trustee of the Family and Parenting Institute. She writes regularly for the Guardian and other publications on education matters. In 2018, she published The Best for My Child. Did the schools market deliver? to mark the 30th anniversary of the 1988 Education Reform Act.

  • Panelist

    Dr Joe Zammit-Lucia

    Dr Joe Zammit-Lucia is co-founder of Radix. He is a serial entrepreneur, author and adviser on business leadership in contemporary socio-political culture. His latest book is “The New Political Capitalism: How businesses and societies can thrive in a deeply politicized world” (Bloomsbury Business, 2022). He has edited Radix’s education manifesto, Education for the 21st Century.

  • Panelist

    Nick Corston

    Nick Corston is a dad, co-founder and wannabe CEO of STEAM Co. CIC, a non-profit that champions, inspires and ignites creativity in our schools, work and lives that he started over ten years ago with other carers in his sons’ primary in Paddington. Described by The Guardian, Wired Magazine and the BBC as “a man on a mission”, he is currently on a trajectory in his #StarShip22 to ignite the #CreativityRevolution23 our children, our communities and our country desperately need.


Online Event


Thursday 7th December 2023, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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