What happens when there’s No One Left? Meet the Leaders Replay with Paul Morland and Vicky Pryce

Click the video to watch the replay of our Meet the Leaders webinar with leading demographer and author of No One Left, Paul Morland, in conversation with Radix Big Tent Chair of Fellows, Vicky Pryce, explore a population calamity reshaping our world.

Falling fertility rates, aging populations, labour shortages, and economic instability – these demographic shifts are altering social and economic landscapes worldwide. What does this mean for the future of nations, economies, and humanity itself? Can the world embrace pro-natalism, or are we heading toward irreversible decline?

Dr Paul Morland is an author and broadcaster who writes and speaks about population and the big demographic trends across the world, both contemporary and historic. Described as the ‘UK’s leading demographer’ (Scottish Herald) and ‘one of the world’s pre-eminent demographers’ (Mercator), Paul has written four books: ‘No One Left’, ‘Tomorrow’s People’, ‘The Human Tide’ and ‘Demographic Engineering’ and his work has been translated into nine languages. He has written for and been interviewed in many of the world’s leading newspapers and magazines including the Financial Times, the Sunday Times, The Telegraph, The Toronto Globe and Mail, Der Spiegel and the Jerusalem Post. He has broadcast on many outlets including BBC Radio 4. Paul has been an associate research fellow at Birkbeck, University of London and a senior member at St Antony’s College, Oxford. He lives in London, is married, has three children and is a dual British and German citizen.

Vicky Pryce is the Chair of the Fellows at Radix Big Tent and a leading economist whose career includes being Director General for Economics at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service and Chief Economist and Partner at KPMG. She is currently Chief Economic Adviser and board member at the Centre for Economics and Business Research. She is also Chair of the Economic Advisory Council for the British Chambers of Commerce and a visiting Professor at King’s College, London and Birmingham City University. In addition, she is co-founder of GoodCorporation, a company set up to advise on Corporate Social Responsibility.

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