A year or so ago, when Radix was first gearing up, we decided to be a think tank that published novels – published one – and wrote plays.
In retrospect, this may not have been the perfect time to release the play, since the issues have now changed enormously now that Covid 19 is even dwarfing Brexit. But it’s fun – it’s a comedy – and it might entertain people when they are isolating. So were releasing it.
The Party Leader was written by David Boyle, performed by people from Steyning in West Sussex, and was edited by Zyg Reeves.
It was always intended as a radio play. It imagines that a new party of the radical centre is about to choose its leader by democratic vote. Unfotunately, they chose Keeley, an actor – though not Keeley Hawes – and she knows nothing about it….The play raises some issues about new parties – a subject close to the heart of Radix.
But the play is intended to be fun. We hope you enjoy it.
Click on the image below to listen.