CLICK HERE to watch the replay of our Meet the Leaders event with Jonathan Duke-Evans and Vicky Pryce where they discussed the English sense of ‘Fair Play’, what we might now expect it to mean in the UK election and other modern democracies, as well as how ‘Fair Play’ might translate post election into economic and social policy.
Jonathan Duke-Evans’ main interests as a historian centre on the social assumptions by which people live their lives. He spent most of his working life in the civil service, specialising for many years in penal issues at the Home Office and the legal problems of warfare at the Ministry of Defense. When he retired he returned to historical research drawing on his experience in public service and his debut book is titled An English Tradition? The History and Significance of Fair Play.
Vicky Pryce is the Chair of the Fellows at Radix Big Tent and a leading economist whose career includes being Director General for Economics at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service and Chief Economist and Partner at KPMG. She is currently Chief Economic Adviser and board member at the Centre for Economics and Business Research. She is also Chair of the Economic Advisory Council for the British Chambers of Commerce and a visiting Professor at King’s College, London and Birmingham City University. In addition, she is co-founder of GoodCorporation, a company set up to advise on Corporate Social Responsibility.