Impact Investing from Radix Think Tank on Vimeo.
Impact by Sir Ronald Cohen offers a plan for a future fueled by impact investing. In the book, Sir Ronnie looks at how we must move from selfish to impact capitalism.
Impact Investing from Radix Think Tank on Vimeo.
Impact by Sir Ronald Cohen offers a plan for a future fueled by impact investing. In the book, Sir Ronnie looks at how we must move from selfish to impact capitalism.
Sir Ronald Cohen · Chairman of The Portland Trust and Bridges Ventures. Former Chairman of the UK Government's Social Investment Task Force. He has been described as "the father of British venture capital"and "the father of social investment". He is a graduate of Oxford University and Harvard Business School.
Nic Firzli · Director General of the World Pensions Council and Co-chair of the annual World Pensions Forum. He has co-authored notions such as “modern trusteeship and fiduciary capitalism” and "ESG shifting the trillions.” He is a Fellow of the RADIX Centre for Business, Politics & Society and a graduate of McGill University and the University of Paris Law School.
Magdalena Polan · Global Emerging Market Economist, Legal & General Investment Management. Formerly Economist at the International Monetary Fund and Senior Economist at Goldman Sachs. Magda is a Board Member and Chair of Fellows at RADIX. She is a graduate of KU Leuven and the University of Warsaw.