York plays host to Big Tent politics festival

(This article was published by BBC News)

York 635

photography: @stolenoranges

This article first appeared on BBC News

The public will have the chance to rub shoulders with senior politicians and industry leaders as part of an event at the York Festival of Ideas.

The Radix Big Tent Festival, billed as “a new way of doing politics”, is being staged in Dean’s Park on Saturday.

Organisers said the non-partisan festival would take place in tents pitched behind York Minster.

Guests include Stephen Kinnock MP and Tim Smit – founder of the Eden Project.

Mr Kinnock – Labour’s Shadow Minister for Immigration, and Big Tent board member, told BBC Radio York he was delighted to be involved.

“It’s really a cross-party organisation – one of the other key board members is George Freeman – a Conservative MP.

“We are genuinely committed to working across party lines in finding constructive solutions in taking our country forwards.”

Topics up for debate this year include health, education, the cost of living crisis and sustainable regeneration.

“We feel there isn’t one single party that has all the answers on these issues, Mr Kinnock said.

He said the event also provided an opportunity “for people and communities outside the Westminster bubble” to engage with politicians.

“[It’s] all about having a constructive debate and involving communities,” he added.

The event also features a speakers corner soapbox, and a Dragon’s Den-style experience for York entrepreneurs.

For more information on the event visit the Big Tent Ideas Festival.

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