Reviving UK investment flows: Executive summary

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The new government’s commitment to prioritising sustainable economic growth and recognising UK savings and investment as a key drivers of this growth is very welcome.

This approach acknowledges the investment system’s pivotal role in fostering growth, ensuring higher-quality retirements, and improving intergenerational fairness. Where previous governments have tended to view the investment system either as either a source of taxation or systemic risk, the current government has the opportunity to position it as a crucial intermediary — directing funds from UK savers and investors to both UK firms in need of growth capital and the country’s decarbonisation agenda.

Such a perspective has the potential to create a virtuous cycle, with increased investment driving a more productive, sustainable economy and, in turn, encouraging further investment.

To unlock this potential, however, the investment system requires reform.

Read the executive summary of New Capital Consensus’ soon-to-be released report, Reviving UK Investment Flows: A Systems Approach to Productivity and Growth, here.

New Capital Consensus (NCC) comprises a coalition of organisations who have come together to create an apolitical, not-for-profit, research project and a policy discussion forum for commercial entities, think-tanks, policymakers and regulators. Our shared purpose is to identify and promote stakeholder buy-in to the reforms needed to foster the strongest links between the UK’s savings and retirement aspirations and the sustainable growth aspirations that drive long-term prosperity.

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