The very many uses of biochar


I have been surprised to find just how much biochar is already known about and used.

Never before have I come across something which has been going on for thousands of years, and is still alive throughout the world.   Moreover, it is something which can contribute to saving our planet.

And it is common knowledge.  See for example:

This podcast provides a nice introduction to biochar.

My reason for returning to the subject is that it fits in so well with the dawning future.

Roughly 40 per cent of the working population in the UK is active in discretionary (non-essential) markets. Such jobs are now in decline, with hospitality work obvious to all. The shrinking economy and increasing costs of energy-dependent essentials will soon make discretionary employment redundant.

For the 40 per cent of ex-discretionary workers, biochar will provide an easy way into gardening and smallholding – making biochar to sell to hard-pressed farmers and to enhance the potential of growing their food.

All you need to start making biochar is a small patch of land in which to dig a cone-shaped hole (tip down) and any amount of dry organic material – twigs, hedge cuttings, off-cuts from building sites, sawdust, straw, paper, cardboard boxes and the like – all of which will be free of cost.

I can imagine families making bicycle trips with trailers into suburbia and the countryside to collect dry material, convert it to biochar and sell it to gardeners and farmers.

Amazon currently sells “Biochar Fertiliser Twin Tub Bundle | 2 x 500gm Fertiliser | All natural ingredients | Soil Association Approved” for £24.99.

This is not to suggest that Biochar will provide a living. Neither will it save the planet. But It will be moving things in the right direction.

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