Queen Elizabeth II, born 1926, ascended the throne 1952, died 2022.
Queen Elizabeth II, born 1926, ascended the throne 1952, died 2022.
Radix is the radical centre think tank. We welcome all contributions which promote system change, challenge established notions and re-imagine our societies. The views expressed here are those of the individual contributor and not necessarily shared by Radix.
Ben is Chief Executive of Radix. For 15 years, he was a partner at City PR firm Luther Pendragon. He was Chief Executive of the Movement for Reform Judaism and then Chief of Staff and campaign director for Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron.
David Boyle is a writer with long-term involvement in policy on regeneration, community and economic development and the future of localism, especially in his efforts to develop co-production and introduce time banks to Britain as a critical element of public service reform.