How to find out what the future holds for us…


The pieces I have written for Radix so far have all been based on my perception of how things were and could be, before the pandemic engulfed us.  All now out-of-date!

Will the future will be like the past?  Will there be a new norm?  Will I have to change my mindset? There is little or nothing to say now, which is not speculation and imagination.  In my case, based on reading books, articles and blogs about the future.

Am I completely off-beam in guessing that the future will be a mixture of de-growth, de-layering, simplification, bottom-up doings and declining prosperity? What do Radix readers think?

To find out, I have set up what I call a “Dynamic Questionnaire”. Dynamic because the results are immediate and ongoing.  Updating as participants respond over time. Maybe with increasing awareness of the emerging future.

There are five questions in the questionnaire.  Enough, in my view, to give an indication of the mindset of readers of Radix.

To take part, why not click on the link below. If you want to see how the results change, copy the link to a shortcut on your device.

I also suggest you complete the questionnaire again as you change your mind.

It is all anonymous.

Find out what readers of Radix think about the future.

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