Throughout the pandemic we have seen numerous examples of neighbourliness and mutual support in communities, and a new-found openness and can-do spirit in public services….
Daily opinion pieces are the views of the individual writers and publication does not necessarily imply agreement. Radix seeks to be a platform for radical, interesting and challenging ideas and opinions and we welcome submissions to [email protected]
Throughout the pandemic we have seen numerous examples of neighbourliness and mutual support in communities, and a new-found openness and can-do spirit in public services….
Radix is delighted to be involved with the launch of Platform: a town centre property innovation programme, which aims to make town centre property more…
Unfortunately not everyone who would like to be at The Big Tent Ideas Festival is able to make it in person, so we’ve arranged for…
How will the UK recuperate post-covid? Radix and Big Tent offer the opportunity for public and policy makers to come together and make their voices…
Government plans for billions of pounds of infrastructure investment intended to boost the UK economy post-Covid are being jeopardised by a ‘Tickbox culture’ in procurement…
Radix has set out proposals to address Britain’s increasingly unequal society, including twice yearly ‘helicopter money’ for all adults, carbon tax dividends for young people…
The confusion of cultural identity with nationalist symbols such as flags, anthems and even buildings is increasingly dangerous and their use must not become a…
Leading international businessperson, a former senior executive at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and adviser to the European Commission, Guy de Selliers is…
Britain has displayed a “uncritical fascination” and “naïve optimism” with regards to China, according to a new report for RADIX. In China: Friend, Foe or…
We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Radix Centre for Business Politics & Society, a non-for-profit foundation registered in the Netherlands with a…
RADIX, the cross-party radical centre think tank, has announced that the online think tank for 16 to 24 year olds, Politika, is to become its…