Learning the Lessons of Covid for the NHS

learning lessons covid
Radix’s second annual conference is titled “Learning the Lessons of Covid for the NHS” and will be held online on Wednesday 25th November from 1-4pm. The virtual event will draw on and seek to develop further the proposals in our recently published policy paperLocalise, Equalise and Untick.  


1.00pm Registration and online ‘chat’
1.15pm Welcome: Guy de Selliers (Radix Chair) and aims of the day (Ben Rich)
1.20pm: Plenary – setting the scene:
Lessons from Covid: What can we learn about the UK’s health and social care system?
Chair: Andrew Lansley, former Health Secretary and Radix
Keynote:  Mark Britnell, Chairman and Senior Partner for the Global Health Practice of KPMG, and former senior NHS Executive 
Q and A:
Mark Britnell and Professor Stephen Smith, Chair East Kent NHS Hospital Trust 

2.00pm  and 2.45pm Breakout Sessions
Chose TWO from the following sessions
Lessons from Covid
What lessons do participants draw from the experience of Covid for the NHS, and for health and social care more generally
Unticking the NHS
The NHS has benefited enormously during the crisis from reduced bureaucracy. What form has this taken and how might any benefits be maintained
Making decentralisation work
There is broad agreement that the NHS is over-centralised but to whom should power be devolved and how?
Resetting the NHS
What have we learned from Covid about the implications of running a health service in non-Covid times?  How do we catch up with the treatment of non-Covid illness?   And how should we restructure in response?
Health and Social care
Covid has demonstrated vividly the extent to which social care is the poor relation of the health care system and how the two are disconnected – what do we need to do about it to make integration more then lip service?
Please note each session will be limited to a maximum of ten participants 

3.30pm Feedback and discussion
3.55pm Wrap up and thank you:
4pm ENDS 

This conference has capped attendance to allow opportunity for meaningful discussion and interaction so we would urge you to register as soon as possible. We would very much value your contribution to what has become one of the most challenging areas of public policy, one that affects us all, and that will benefit from multiple perspectives including from those of us outside the health care professions and for whom the NHS remains a vital public service.

We are most grateful to Ian Smith, the former Chair of the Kings College Hospital Trust and of Four Seasons Health Care, for chairing and helping to organise the conference.

  • Chair

    The Rt Hon Lord Lansley of Orwell

    Served as Conservative MP for South Cambridgeshire from 1997-2015. For thirteen years he was a member of the Cabinet or Shadow Cabinet. In the Cabinet, he served as Secretary of State for Health and as Leader of the House of Commons and Lord Privy Seal in which role he led the implementation of the Government’s legislative programme. He is former Vice Chairman of the Conservative party and Director of the Conservative Party Research Department. He was previously Deputy Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce.

  • Keynote Speaker

    Mark Britnall

    Senior UK Healthcare Partner at KPMG and one of the foremost global experts on healthcare systems. He was appointed Chief Executive of University Hospitals Birmingham in 2000 and went on to run the NHS region from Oxford to the Isle of Wight before joining the NHS Management Board as a Director-General at the Department of Health, where he developed High Quality Care for All with Lord Darzi. He masterminded the largest new hospital build in NHS history, established the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine and developed one of the highest performing healthcare organisations in the UK. Between 2014 and 2018, he was a member of the Global Agenda Council on the Future of the Health Sector for the World Economic Forum and sits on the Advisory Board of the China Center for Health Development at Peking University. He has authored two books: "In Search of the Perfect Health System” and “Human: solving the global workforce crisis in healthcare”. He is a Board Trustee of the King’s Fund.

  • Speaker/Provocateur Resetting NHS

    Professor Stephen K Smith

    A clinician scientist having held senior positions in Academic Medicine and the NHS at the University of Cambridge, Imperial College, London and most recently the University of Melbourne. He currently serves as Chair of the East Kent Hospital Trust, on various health and health technology Boards and as a Trustee of Pancreatic Cancer UK. He led the formation of the UK’s first Academic Health Science Centre at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and was its first CEO. He has published over 230 papers on reproductive medicine and cancer.

  • Co-Chair/Provocateur Lessons from Covid

    Ian Smith

    Until recently Chair of King’s College Hospital, one of the biggest NHS Trusts in the country. He was previously Chair of Four Seasons Health Care which owns and operates over 500 care homes and psychiatric hospitals in the UK. For the three years up to 2012, Ian Smith worked in Palestine and Israel on the economic underpinning to the peace initiative driven by the ‘Quartet’. He is former CEO of Reed Elsevier, Taylor Woodrow and the General Healthcare Group. He holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School and an MA from Oxford University.

  • Paul Goldsmith

    Provocateur Unticking the NHS

    Dr Paul Goldsmith, MA BM BCh MRCP PhD

    A life sciences entrepreneur and consultant neurologist, with an interest in evolutionary medicine and complex systems strategy. He has held NHS Clinical Networks, Vanguard and Senate roles. He is chair of the Big Tent Foundation, President of Closed Loop Medicine and a Non Exec Director of the MDU.

  • Provocateur Making Decentralisation Work

    Dr David Colin-Thomé OBE, MBBS, FRCGP, FRCP, FFPH, FFGDP (Honorary), FQNI

    An independent healthcare consultant and formerly a GP in Castlefields, Runcorn for 36 years, the National Clinical Director of Primary, Dept of Health England 2001-10, and visiting Professor Manchester and Durham Universities.

  • Provocateur Health and Social Care

    Professor Michael Brown CBE DL

    The former Vice-Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University and is the Chair of the Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust. Unusually, the Trust provides fully integrated health and social care services across the Wirral. He is also Chairman of Procure Plus Holdings, providing services for Housing Associations and unemployed people.

  • Rapporteur

    Emma Sheldon

    Most recently was Group Marketing Director for UK medical products manufacturer Vernacare – responsible for leading marketing and market access activities across 48 countries and six continents. She has led the implementation of a new international expansion strategy, resulting in significant export growth and opening up new markets in southern Asia, the Middle East and across Europe.


Online Event


Wednesday 25th November 2020, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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